Why List on Talk of Plano website?
- Talk of Plano is a high traffic sites which increases your exposure.
- Talk of Plano is U.S. based and actively moderated.
- Talk of Plano is community based and actively serve their respective communities.
- A link on Talk of Plano to your site will increase your site’s search engine rankings and exposure.
- Full time team dedicated to marketing and improving the site.
- Social Media features to allow your friends and clients to connect.
- Currently, Listings Are Very Affordable!!!
Featuring your Talk of Plano Directory Listing
If your listing already exists you may “claim” your listing and upon verification you may add additional details including pictures and web site links. If your listing does not exist you may add it.
Talk of Plano does offer FEATURED listings. There are two types of featured listings we offer.
- Your listing appears in the top 5 listings on the Home Page for the selected amount of time.
- Home Page featured listings are limited to 5.
- Home Page featured listings rotate from place 1 to 5.
- Home Page listings have the greatest affect on your sites search engine rankings.
- Currently there are over 60 Categories on Talk of Plano. Your listing appears in the respective category of your business.
- Your listings appear in the top 5 listings on the respective Category Page for the selected amount of time.
- Category Page featured listings are limited to 5.
- Category Page featured listings rotate from place 1 to 5.
- If you want to be listed on several Talk of USA sites, please contact us.
The number of featured listings accepted is restricted, so it’s important to act immediately.
Contact Us for multi-location discounts.
Directory Listing Pricing
$4.97 per month ($59.64 per year).
Special Offer…
$14.97 per year!!!