We are a Plano-based theatre company, and our goal is to draw on the region for our audience base, artistic talent, and production staff. We work to develop a strong performing arts community in North Dallas by nurturing the large number of unfocused artists, performers, and unserved patrons of the arts in the area.

Despite significant achievements in the public high schools and other educational institutions, there exist few local opportunities for students of theatre and performing arts. We are changing that through outreach and cooperative development and by recruiting local students when possible. We strive to offer study guides to local schools for appropriate productions.

Our children’s program includes classes in acting and improvisation, tools for the stage and confidence for life. Our children’s productions are usually cast using a mix of children and adults and are often students’ first foray into the complexities of interdependent teamwork, personal discipline, growth and acknowledgment, and a unified singular goal larger than one’s self.

Our adult classes provide local artists an opportunity to work with and learn from some of the best talent in the area and network with their peers.

Rover Dramawerks provides a professional experience for our patrons, actors, directors, designers, and technicians, relying upon area resources whenever possible, preferring to cultivate local talent over transient “guest artists.”